
Ah, content creation. Whether you love to write blogs, film videos, or create new digital products for your business, one thing is for sure. Creativity ain’t easy. If you’re a coach, healer, or creative entrepreneur, content creation is mission critical.

But the sheer amount of content you need to create to keep your online profile (and business) fresh, new and attractive is huge. Aside from social posts, blogs, and course programs there’s copywriting– like emails, landing pages, website copy, video scripts, webinars and more.

It’s A LOT. And you need the ideas to flow continuously when your business depends on generating new clients regularly. The pressure is staggering and ever-growing. It’s understandable why many of us entrepreneurs feel overwhelmed on the daily. But it gets infinitely easier when you’re in touch with your natural power– your true creativity.

Your Destiny Is Creative

You are innately creative. It’s your natural state and your birthright. As humans, we are given the gift of creation and it’s our destiny to create more and more, expressing what’s within. We are made to create. But that creativity becomes blocked when we’re not aligned with our true purpose or not fulfilling our destiny.  

For example, I know I’ll never run out of ideas, things to write, programs, seminars, or digital products because I’m expressing my calling. I’m aligned with my true purpose to help entrepreneurs create the business and life they want. This automatically opens my creative flow.

Like a blooming flower planted under the sun, it naturally grows and expands. You’re no different. You just need to find the right environment for your natural talents and abilities to thrive.

So how can you eliminate the blocks that are stopping your business from soaring to new heights? 

  • Let go of trying to be unique you already ARE unique. Even if you’re offering the same service as thousands of other coaches or healers, your energy and who you are makes your service something special. Let your personality and story shine– your tribe will find you because they resonate with how YOU say it.
  • Don’t expect anything in return– Creativity is a never-ending energy that needs to flow for ideas to grow and expand. Expecting something in return blocks it. Create without expectation. Your blog post might not bear fruit right now– but the act of creating your post becomes a launching pad for future success.
  • Stop worrying about what you’re saying– Don’t stress about your message. When you open up and speak what’s in your heart you’ll naturally attract people who are aligned with you (instead of attracting clients who don’t value your services or honour your gifts)

When you’re fulfilling your destiny, you’ll always be filled with ideas. You’ll expand and evolve in surprising new ways. Your ideas may not all become $1000 products, but they’ll lead to lucrative offers if your creativity has the chance to flourish. 

And if you’re still having a tough time letting it flow, try the B.A.C.K.B.O.N.E method in my FREE Signature Business Guide. It’s designed to open your subconscious mind so your creativity blossoms. You’ll also go on a quest to find your True Purpose and release the superpower inside you that leads to a business you love.

When you have a blissful business, it’s possible to reach the levels of success you want …

All with your natural creative power.

Laura Hurubaru

Laura Hurubaru

Fast Results Strategist | Coach to Aspiring Female Business Owners


Get everything you want in life no matter where you are right now.


Get clear on your true purpose and build an online business that sets your passions ablaze.


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