Ever read this quote?
“If you want to invest in something with minimum risk and a guaranteed big return, invest in yourself.”
Most people nod and agree, but when push comes to shove they don’t do it. They don’t make the investment in themselves. They invest more in wishful thinking than proven systems that work. Then, they punish themselves when they don’t achieve their dreams. They continue to live unhappily instead of setting themselves free with a business they love.

Why Is Investing In Yourself So Important, Anyway?
If you’ve made the decision to follow your bliss and become a successful coach or healer, investing in yourself is one of the best returns you can create, period. And investing in yourself doesn’t just mean adding to your business, skills, education or mindset. It also means to let go. It doesn’t cost you anything to let go of what no longer serves you, but it costs you everything if you keep holding on.
Going through this investment process doesn’t just set you up to make strides with your coaching or healing biz, it gives you the confidence, means and tools to make a powerful impact in others’ lives. That’s why if you want to serve the world, you need to serve yourself first.

Why The Investment Mindset Is The Success Mindset
For example– you decide to run an ad on Facebook. You spend hours tinkering with the copy, hoping to hit the right notes to attract clients who resonate with you. You want people who truly need what you offer and are happy to pay what you’re worth.
You decide to spend $10/day for the ad to run for 1 week. You pick your targeting options and set it free. It’s exciting! You daydream about people liking, sharing and commenting on your ad and clicking “Learn More” to book a session or program with you.
Except you hear nothing but crickets. Day after day, no one engages with your ad. You double check all the settings, in case you made a mistake. But everything looks good. And as time goes on, you see nothing but money being flushed down the drain.
At this point, with no bites, you’ve spent $70 and decide to quit because you’re focusing on the money you’ve spent. You pull the ad and tell yourself that Facebook advertising doesn’t work. And you don’t want to try pay-per-click advertising again.
Someone with an investment mindset has a different perspective. If you’re selling a $1000 (or more) program, you won’t quit after spending $70; you won’t quit after spending $700! Why? Because even after spending that much, when you sell your program, you’re still ahead– you’ve just made a $300 return on your investment. No bank in the world gives you returns like that!
But so many people give up before this point. And if they had just invested a little more time, energy and money, they’d have the success they want. That’s why the investment mindset is also known as the success mindset.

Shifting Your Mindset To Win
If you’ve made the decision to free yourself with a profitable, soul-driven business you love, the success mindset is essential. There will be days that you feel like nothing’s working, but if you’re investing in yourself you’ll have the strength to push through to the other side.
Here are some of the best ways you can invest in yourself right now so you’re one step closer to your dreams:
- Read: Successful entrepreneurs are voracious readers. Pick 3 business-related books to read every 6 months to motivate you and grow your skills.
- Set Goals: Goal-setting is scientifically proven for achieving results. Write them down and put them somewhere you’ll see them daily to stay accountable to yourself.
- Network: Surround yourself with people who understand what you’re going through and are overcoming similar obstacles. Networks are a powerful trigger for success. In my free Facebook Group called Business Women on Fire: Your Signature Business Quest, you’ll shift your mindset and build a business you love with 1000+ women like you on the same path.
- Mentorship and Coaching: Nothing leapfrogs your success faster than having someone who’s already created success showing you the way forward. They’ve made all the mistakes and will guide you to achieve the success and freedom you dream possible.
When you’re growing a business and working hard to build the lifestyle you want, it’s vital to invest in yourself– both by letting go of what no longer serves you and adding what you need to win.
If you’re tired of trying to get your business off the ground on your own, it’s time to invest in yourself. Schedule a FREE Call with me here to discover how to make your business thrive.
All you need to do is to invest a few minutes of your time for huge gains. Together, in a safe space where you’re never judged or criticised, we’ll discuss your business, your goals, and your gifts. Then, we’ll create a plan to transform your coaching or healing business into the success YOU want it to be.
As someone who’s been where you are right now, I’ll share with you what works and how to package your talents into a program your tribe will love.
Are you ready to make your dreams real? Invest in yourself right now.

Laura Hurubaru
Fast Results Strategist | Coach to Aspiring Female Business Owners
Get clear on your true purpose and build an online business that sets your passions ablaze.

Coach to Aspiring Female Business Owners